Disability Support Services Program Overview 

North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE), Disability Support Services (DSS) provides educational services and access for eligible students with documented disabilities who intend to pursue coursework within NOCE. 

DSS is dedicated to assisting students with quality support, including auxiliary aids, academic adjustments, and educational assistance classes. DSS services may be suspended or terminated if a student demonstrates a lack of measurable progress and/or inappropriate use of DSS services.  

Lack of Measurable Progress 

A lack of measurable progress may be defined in the following ways:  

  • When enrolled in DSS Educational Assistance classes—failure to make measurable progress toward the goals developed for the course as established in the Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP). 
  • When enrolled in General NOCE classes—failure to meet the academic standards established by the college, as applied to all NOCE students. 

Inappropriate Use of DSS Services 

Inappropriate use of services may be defined as the failure to comply with the policies of individual services that a student uses. Examples of such services may include DHH interpreting services, note-taking services, or other individualized services and DSS classes. Failure to comply with the terms stated within each specific service area may result in the termination of that service.

Procedure for the Suspension of Services

  1. DSS Counselor(s) will document the student’s failure to comply with DSS policies and procedures, including all meetings to address the area(s) of concern. 
  1. Prior to the termination of service, the student will be notified in writing the service will be automatically terminated for the current term. The letter will include a notice to the student that s/he has ten (10) working days to appeal the decision in writing to the DSS Associate Dean. 
  1. The DSS Associate Dean will evaluate the information provided by the student and can determine whether to continue the suspension or reinstate the DSS service(s). 

I understand that I must fulfill the requirements for participation in the DSS Program. I understand the consequences of failing to comply with the rules for the responsible use of DSS services. I understand that I will be notified before any action is taken to suspend services.  

During the intake process, students will affirm that they understand and agree with the DSS Program responsibilities of students and will abide by them.