Welcome, Students!
At NOCE we are pleased to provide a safe and welcoming learning environment for all of our students. We offer many counseling, career services, and resources for our students to take advantage of to support them throughout their time with us. NOCE is here to connect students to the resources they need.
Student Portals & Basic Student Information

Next Steps
Career Services⟶
Commencement Ceremony⟶
Student Success & Scholarship Event⟶
Transition to College & Career⟶

Community Resources⟶
CTE Textbook Loan Program⟶
Distance Education⟶
Equity Program⟶
Food Pantry⟶
Helping Hands Closet⟶
Laptop Loan Program⟶
LGBTQIA+ Student Resources⟶
Rising Scholars⟶
Scholarship & Aid⟶
Student Technology Support Services⟶
Undocumented, AB540 & DACA Students⟶
WiFi Access⟶
Need more info? Contact StarHelp
Need more information? NOCE’s StarHelp customer service support is here to help! Call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail starhelp@noce.edu to talk to one of our friendly staff members in our Admissions and Registration Office.