Step 1:

The top right of the NOCE homepage where the myGateway logo livesAt the very top of the homepage, click on the MyGateway icon.

Or go to

Step 2:

Log onto MyGateway with your MyGateway ID (also known as your Banner/Student ID) and your password.

Screenshot of the mygateway login page

Don’t know your MyGateway ID?
Click on the “Forgot Username” link on the MyGateway site. 

Don’t know your password?
Click on the “Forgot Password?” button on the MyGateway site. screenshot of the forgot password button

Do you still need help or have questions? E-mail StarHelp at or call StarHelp at (714) 808-4679.

Step 3:

A screenshot of the myGateway search bar with Transcript typed in with the transcript search results. Listed is View Unofficial Web Transcripts

Type “transcripts” in the top search bar or scroll on the left under Tools-Student Tools and choose View Unofficial Web Transcripts.

Step 4:

A screenshot of the Academic Transcript page with red arrows emphasizing the transcript level with School of Continuing Education selected and Transcript Type with Web Transcript (Unofficial) selected.

The below webpage will appear. Select School of Continuing Education for level and Web Transcript (Unofficial) for type.

Step 5:

The Unofficial Web Transcript will display. Example below:

A screenshot of the Academic Transcript page as an example of how the screen will look

Please Note:

To view the entire transcript, use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down. Once you have viewed your unofficial transcript, you may print it by right-clicking and selecting the print option.

Students will not see their High School Diploma records in Mygateway. To request your high school transcripts, please see below.

How to Request Official Transcripts:

Official transcripts will be mailed in a sealed envelope to the address provided on the request form. Click here to fill out the online or downloadable Transcript Request Form on the Records Office Forms page.

*Please note: Each student receives two free copies; after that, each copy is $5.00.