Step 1:

Follow steps 1 through 6 on the How to Register for Classes page.

Step 2:

Click on the “Edit or Drop Classes” button.

A screenshot of the "My Current Schedule" page with a red arrow pointing to click the "Edit or Drop Classes" button.

Step 3:

Next, click on “Enrolled” for your desired course and select “Drop On-Line” for non-CTE courses (such as Parenting, ESL, Emeritus, HS/GED, etc.) or “Drop-Career Tech SCE” for all CTE courses (including Medical Assistant, Early Childhood Education, etc.).

A screenshot of the "Edit or Drop Classes" page with red arrows pointing to click either "Drop On-Line or Drop-Career Tech SCE".

Step 4:

Click on the “Save” button.

A screen shot of the "Edit or Drop Classes" screen with a red arrow pointing to click the "Save" button.

Step 5:

Then click on the “Save” button to confirm your changes.

A screenshot of the "Confirm" page with a red arrow pointing to click the "Save" button.

Step 6:

If you have successfully dropped, you will receive a message that states, “You have successfully made changes for the following courses” it will list the course and state “Class dropped”. Click “OK”.

A screenshot of the "Registration Results" page with a message that states, “You have successfully made changes for the following courses” and states below it “Class dropped”. An "OK" button circled with a red box.

Step 7:

To print your schedule, please click the following link for instructions on how to confirm your class schedule