North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) is committed to providing a safe campus environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. While on campus, everyone is encouraged to follow these general safety tips.

Personal Safety Tips on Campus

For an emergency, call 9-1-1. In an emergency (life-threatening) situation, you should dial 9-1-1 first and then have someone nearby contact Campus Safety.

See something, say something – If you hear someone make a threat or observe something of a suspicious or potentially threatening nature, you should report it to Campus Safety without hesitation. None of us should individually make the determination that a threat is not credible and thus not worthy of being reported. Many potentially serious situations only come to light because a student chose to confide in an instructor or a staff member who reported something to Campus Safety.

Be alert – Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. You can reduce your chances of becoming a victim. Criminals often look for unsuspecting victims. It’s up to you to reduce their window of opportunity. While walking on campus, have at least one hand free and avoid isolated areas. Don’t have your hands full. Have your keys in your hand and whenever possible, carry books or personal items in a backpack or briefcase. Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times, paying attention to the people near and around you. Always walk with confidence and at a steady pace. Scan the area while walking and develop a plan of action in your mind should a stranger approach you. Crime occurs during the daytime hours as well as at night. Do not let your guard down just because it’s daylight. Always pay attention to your intuition; if you think a situation is unsafe, it may very well be. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, seek the assistance of another campus employee or contact Campus Safety.

Use the buddy system or use Safety Escorts. Walk with other employees or students when going to your vehicle. Walk in well-traveled and well-lighted areas. Stay away from isolated areas. You may also request an escort from Campus Safety at any time.

Protect your personal property and lock your car/bike. Always lock your car or bike, and do not keep anything valuable in your car. Don’t assume you and your belongings are safe because you are on campus. When you arrive on campus, remember to secure your vehicle, remove your keys, and keep them with you at all times. Protect your personal belongings at all times. Do not leave your property unattended while on campus. Do not leave personal items in plain view in your vehicle.

Thank you for your help in maintaining a safe learning and working environment at NOCE.