
DSS Counseling’s mission is to provide comprehensive, student-centered support that empowers individuals with disabilities to achieve their academic, personal, and career goals.

Through personalized counseling, advocacy, and access to accommodations, we foster an inclusive and equitable learning environment that promotes self-advocacy, resilience, and lifelong success. We are committed to upholding the principles of diversity, equity, and accessibility while collaborating with faculty, staff, and the broader campus community to ensure that all students have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Counseling Team

Headshot of Kristina De La Cerda

Kristina De La Cerda
Tel: (714) 808-4711
Email: kdelacerda@noce.edu

Headshot of Kim Thompson

Kim Thompson
Tel: (714) 808-4010
Email: kthompson@noce.edu

Headshot of Michelle Patrick Norng

Michelle Patrick-Norng
Tel: (714) 808-4689
Email: mpatrick@noce.edu

Headshot of Mirta Carmona

Mirta Carmona
Email: mcarmona@noce.edu

Headshot of Casey Sousa

Casey Sousa
Tel: (714) 808-4932
Email: csousa@noce.edu

Headshot of Agustin Arredondo

Agustin Arredondo
Email: agustin_arredondo@noce.edu

Support and Services

  • Academic Counseling & Support
    • Guidance on course selection and academic planning.
    • Assistance with disability-related academic challenges.
    • Strategies for time management, organization, and study skills.
  • Accommodation Coordination
    • Evaluation and implementation of reasonable accommodations.
    • Facilitate access to assistive technology and accessible materials.
  • Advocacy & Campus Engagement
    • Collaboration with faculty and staff to ensure an inclusive learning environment.
    • Promotion of disability awareness and equity within the campus community.
    • Connection to campus and community resources.
  • Campus & Community Resources
    •  Assistance with accessing NOCE’s Food Pantry and other basic needs services.
    • Information on NOCE scholarships.
    • Community referrals to housing assistance programs and accessing transportation supports (such as the Reduced Fair ID with OCTA).
    • Referrals to community resources and state-wide agencies that support students with disabilities.
  • Career & Transition Planning
    • Guidance on career exploration and job readiness.
    • Support with transition planning to achieve vocational goals or workforce entry.

Scheduling a Counseling Appointment

Disability Support Services is strongly committed to increasing access to counseling services—whether in-person or online! Counselors are available for scheduled online appointments and virtual drop-in support during regular business hours.

To schedule an online appointment, please call the DSS office at (714) 808-4719 or email disabilitysupport@noce.edu.

DSS counselor in the ARISE Lab smiling at her students
  • Preparing for a DSS Intake Appointment

    Please have the following items available for your counselor appointment:

    1. Disability verification (ex: copy of most recent IEP, Psycho-Educational Evaluation, or Triennial Evaluation signed by the school psychologist; verification from medical or licensed professional; Regional Center IPP/CDER; etc.)
      • If no verification is available, please indicate your interest in a learning disability assessment.
    2. The names, phone numbers, and emails of two emergency contacts.
    3. The name, phone number, and e-mail of your service coordinator IF you are a consumer of Regional Center.
    4. A list of current medications you are taking (dosages and purpose(s) for each medication).
    5. A Student ID or California ID (we request an ID to have your student photo taken in our system).
  • Privacy and Confidentiality
    • For privacy and confidentiality, find a private and quiet location to communicate comfortably. We recommend you log in using a secure computer.
    • Be sure to update your phone number and email in myGateway. If there are technical difficulties and your counselor needs to use another communication option (e.g., Zoom or a phone call), you will receive instructions.
  • Learning Disability Assessment?

    Enrolled students experiencing academic difficulties who believe they have a learning disability may request a learning disability (LD) assessment. There is no cost to the student for the assessment. The DSS LD Specialist screens students to determine if they should be tested. 


    If testing is prescribed, students schedule a series of appointments where they are administered standardized tests of aptitude and achievement. The results of the tests indicate whether a student is eligible for services through DSS. Students in high school special education programs and 504 programs may be asked to complete testing to continue to qualify for additional accommodations and/or services at college.

    Students with certain co-occurring disabilities, such as Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), cannot be tested for learning disabilities.

    HOT TIP: Once accepted for LD assessment, keep your appointments! If you miss appointments without contacting the LD Specialist or DSS office, your testing may be stopped.

  • Student Guidelines

    At North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE), the Disability Support Services (DSS) is committed to fostering a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. The Student Guidelines below outline the expected standards of behavior and conduct that students must follow while enrolled at NOCE. These guidelines align with the Standards of Student Conduct, Board Policies and Procedures (BP/AP 5500).

    • Respect for Others: On Campus, Online, and through Social Media
      •  Respectful Communication: Communicate respectfully with fellow students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
        Avoid gossip.
      • Non-discrimination: Treat everyone with fairness and respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender,
        religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic.
      • Personal Boundaries: Respect the personal space and privacy of others. No physical violence.
    • Integrity
      • Honesty: Uphold academic integrity by avoiding plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty. Do not engage in actions that give you or others an unfair advantage.
    • Attendance and Punctuality
      • Regular Attendance: Attend classes regularly and notify instructors in cases of unavoidable absences.
        Schedule personal/medical appointments and vacations outside of class hours whenever possible. 
      • Timeliness: Arrive on time for classes, meetings, and appointments.
    • Professionalism
      • Work Ethic: Demonstrate a commitment to learning by actively participating in class activities and
        assignments and make positive progress in your classes.
      • Communication: Use appropriate language and tone in all forms of communication, including written,
        verbal, and electronic (online/cell phone). Do not use profanity.
      • Behavior: Demonstrate appropriate behavior in the classroom, campus, and/or online by avoiding
        disruptive, lewd, or obscene behavior.
    • Campus and Facility Guidelines
      • Responsible Use: Use campus facilities, equipment, and resources responsibly and in accordance with
        NOCE policies.
      • Safety: Follow safety protocols and procedures to ensure a safe environment for yourself and others.
      • Environmental Respect: Maintain cleanliness and respect for the physical environment of NOCE
    • Compliance with Policies and Regulations
      • Follow the Rules: Familiarize yourself with and follow all NOCE policies, rules, and regulations.
      • Legal Compliance: Comply with local, state, and federal laws while on NOCE campuses or participating in NOCE activities.
    • Disciplinary Actions
      • Consequences: Violations of the Standards of Student Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary actions, including warnings, probation, suspension, or expulsion.
      • Due Process: Students have the right to due process during disciplinary proceedings.
    • Reporting Violations
      • Reporting: Report any violations of the Standards of Student Code of Conduct to the appropriate
        NOCE faculty/staff.

    By following these Student Guidelines, students contribute to a positive and productive learning environment at NOCE.
    These standards are designed to promote mutual respect, academic integrity, and personal responsibility among
    all members of the NOCE community.