The North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) is governed by seven elected trustees who establish policies that guide the general operation of the district, including Fullerton College, Cypress College, and North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE). This governing body is called the Board of Trustees.

During the 2024 spring semester, the Board of Trustees voted to create a seat for an NOCE Student Trustee in a capacity to cast advisory votes. NOCE is hosting a special election to allow the student body of NOCE to elect a student representative for the role of Student Trustee. The successful candidate will have a seat on the board and represent the interests of NOCE students. They serve as a link between the Board of Trustees and the student body.

Meet the Candidates

Headshot of Kristine Nacu
  • Statement

    My name is Kristine Nacu, and I’m your candidate for NOCE Student Trustee position. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities I encountered as a student leader. Beyond academic success, true to our school’s mission, in student leadership role, NOCE had privileged me with foundational skills to lead, work closely with faculty and staff, voice my student point of view in various committee meetings, strengthen my networking, and on events enjoy serving to special YOU, students. NOCE impacts 15,000 lives yearly. How can each student’s voice be counted on? NOCE Student Trustee is to bridge the gap between the board and students. Meaning, I will listen to you and bring student voices to the board, then bring the board’s voices back to you. To me, representing our students’ interests counts on being a good steward for the board, and a dedicated advocate for students. Looking ahead, I like our students to know they can always reach out to me with their questions, concerns and success stories. Let’s embrace education at a new, elevated level. I look forward to serving the public and being the guardian of public trust.

Headshot of Lourdes Vallente
  • Statement

    A recipient of the US Special Immigrant Visa for serving the United States Military. Migrated to the US in November 2021. I am Lourdes Valiente, a student, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, an employee, a friend, a mentor, and a student leader for the last 3 years. I have continuously advocated for everything, big or small, that would help the students in their academic journey and success. I have been the voice of the students relaying their needs to the administration so NOCE can carry out their mission of enriching lives through education. For me, NOCE is H.O.P.E. (Help and Opportunity to Pursue Education). I want to be the Student Trustee because I want to continue to make a difference. I want to help the board understand the students’ needs and affect positive change. I go to NOCE to actively seek feedback, engage in conversations or pose questions to the students on how NOCE can better their journey for education and their future. I act as the bridge between the students and NOCE. Now, I want to take it to the next level, to be the voice of the NOCE Students at the Board of Trustee.

Headshot of MaLuisa Hernandez
  • Statement

    My name is MaLuisa Hernandez, and I am honored to be a student at NOCE, where I am currently pursuing my High School Diploma and enrolled in the CTE Google IT program. As a student leader, I am committed to representing the diverse voices of our student body and ensuring their concerns are heard. NOCE has given me the confidence and opportunity to overcome personal challenges as an immigrant and a woman, and I now want to give back by serving as your Student Trustee. NOCE is not just a school—it is a community that has positively transformed my life and the lives of those around me. My goal, if elected, is to advocate for student success and support initiatives that will help all students reach their academic goals. I am passionate about creating inclusive environments where every student feels empowered. With your vote, I will continue to champion the values of NOCE and work to ensure that all voices are represented.

Headshot of Martha Gabriela Diaz Vallejo
  • Statement

    As Student leader at NOCE, I am honored to express my interest in joining the Board of Trustees. My experience within the student leadership role has allowed me to gain valuable insight into the needs, challenges, and aspirations of my peer students. I am confident that my experience allows me to bring a unique and essential perspective to the Board. As Student leader, I been part of the Presidents Committee and the SEA Committee, were I collaborated to ensure that the voices of students are heard and considered in important decisions. I have actively engaged with peers on issues such as campus improvements and development of The Technology Club. Being part of all these projects and tasks has provided me with a strong understanding of how policy and decision making directly affects student life. As a trustee, I would be committed to bridging the gap between the student body and the administration, ensuring that student’s concerns and needs are considered. I am looking for the opportunity to collaborate and serve the student population. Thank you for considering my candidacy for the Board of Trustees. I look forward to the possibility of serving our school community in this important capacity.

Headshot of Robert Johnson
  • Statement

    Hello, my name is Robert Johnson, and I am excited to apply for the position of student trustee at North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE). As the President of the Technology Club and an active student leader, I have dedicated myself to supporting and advocating for my peers. I believe that all students deserve to feel valued and heard, and I will work tirelessly to ensure that every voice is represented. NOCE’s core values of Diversity, Equity, and Learning inspire me daily. I am committed to fostering a more inclusive and equitable campus, where students from all backgrounds have equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. Whether you are working toward a certificate, learning English, or improving your foundational skills, your voice will be heard—because everyone matters at NOCE. As a student trustee, I will prioritize student advocacy by enhancing communication between students and administration. My goals include amplifying student concerns, supporting initiatives that promote academic and personal growth, and ensuring that NOCE remains a place where all learners can thrive. With my leadership experience and passion for advocacy, I am confident that I am the best candidate to represent our student body.

Headshot of Yellckin Brenes
  • Statement

    I’m from Nicaragua and have been living in California since 2021. I’m a friendly, altruistic, and sociable person who believes in the power of perseverance and dedication to achieve personal and professional goals. As a first-generation immigrant, I’ve encountered numerous challenges, including isolation and cultural barriers, particularly with language and the educational system. Adapting to a new culture has sometimes been overwhelming, impacting my mental and emotional well-being and leading to moments of sadness and frustration. Despite these struggles, I found NOCE to be a critical source of support that helped me overcome these hurdles. With the assistance of dedicated teachers, support staff, administrators, and peers, I improved my English skills, completed the ESL program, and began to overcome the loneliness I once felt. This foundation allowed me to enroll in technical classes and ultimately apply to Cypress College. My journey through continuing education has solidified my belief that everyone, regardless of their background, can achieve their dreams. If elected, I am committed to advocating for better access to resources and ensuring that every student knows no barrier is insurmountable. I aim to elevate our voices, foster a supportive environment, and help all students build the connections necessary for success.

Vote for your Candidate!

Ballots open on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 7 a.m.
Ballots close on Monday, October 14, 2024 at 7 p.m.