ARISE lab student coloring a picture

What is C2C?

The purpose of College to Career (C2C) is to improve employment outcomes for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Through inclusion in postsecondary education, persons with ID and/or ASD can expand the range of jobs available to them.

The North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) is one of just eight institutions in the state to receive funding for C2C.  NOCCCD partners with the Regional Center of Orange County (RCOC), DOR, and local employers to develop jobs for students. Together, we prepare students with ID or ASD for competitive, integrated employment. 

Educational and Vocational Support:

  • Assistance with coursework
  • Access to adaptive technology
  • Support in study skills
  • Note-taking strategies
  • Organizational techniques
  • Employment preparation
  • Job development, placement, and retention

Upon completing their educational goals, C2C provides employment services and job development so students can obtain competitive, integrated employment.

Student Eligibility

  • Are eligible for the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)
  • Have a documented diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability (ID) and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Enroll in inclusive courses at North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) and be able to meet the academic demands of community college classes with C2C support.  
  • Desire to obtain competitive integrated employment

C2C Applications are available through the North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) Disability Support Services (DSS) program and are submitted between January and April. Twenty new students are accepted each year after a panel (administrators, staff, and faculty) interview.

Students typically complete the program in one to three years.

A student wearing a black shirt, red apron, and black beanie. This student is scooping out dough from a mixer.

C2C Support Services

  • Counseling and accommodations
  • Educational Coaching
  • Specialized lab to assist students with classwork and studying
  • Access to adaptive technology
  • Work readiness preparation
  • Job placement help

5:30 p.m. on Zoom!

  • Our College to Career (C2C) Program Overview
  • Application Process
  • Q&A with C2C Staff

Apply now to the College to Career Program

Fill out the printable form application to apply to the C2C program today!

Download the printable C2C Application.

New C2C Students Must:

  • Be highly motivated to be employed.
  • Attend Summer orientation in June.
  • Create an educational plan with a C2C Counselor.
  • Register for inclusive classes.
  • Attend C2C Educational and Employment Support Lab.
  • Receive educational coaching support services.
  • Participate in employment workshops.
  • Meet with our job developer and explore volunteer/internship opportunities in your community.
  • Get a job.
  • Job placement and successful closure may vary based on the student’s goals.

Checklist to C2C:

  1. Submit C2C Application.
  2. Meet Eligibility Requirements.
  3. Panel Interview.
  4. Acceptence into C2C Support Services.
  5. Educational Plan with DSS Counselor.
  6. Create IPE with DOR Counselor.
  7. Begin Inclusive Courses.
  8. Employment Preparation.
  9. Obtain Employment.
3 graduating students posing for a photo in their dark blue robe and cap.
Jacob Morell at his job.
“C2C assisted me with my college courses, campus life, and obtaining a job!” Jacob Morell
College to Career Cohort, DSS Alumnus, and High School Diploma Alumnus