Attention Students with an Old Hotspot or Students in Need of a Hotspot
If you have an old hotspot (the AT&T Franklin A10s or the Moxees):
- Please return it so we can issue you a newer model, provided you are currently enrolled in an online class.
- Service on all older hotspot models will be turned off on November 29, 2024.
If you currently need a hotspot for your online or hybrid class:
- Call, email, or visit the Student Technology Support Services office for more information.
Student Technology Support Services (STSS)
Phone Number: (714) 808-4706
Email: StudentTechSupport@noce.edu
Location: Anaheim Campus, 7th floor in Room 714
1830 W. Romneya Dr. Anaheim, CA 92801
Website: Student Technology Support Services
STSS Office Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 2:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Monday & Friday: Closed