What is the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program Committee?

The Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program Committee is a shared governance committee that makes recommendations to the President’s Cabinet related to implementation of the SEA Program core services and plans.

  • The function of the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program Committee is to:

    • To review, discuss, plan, and implement goals and strategies that impact student pathways, success, and equity.
    • Provide leadership for the development and recommendations for implementation of the Student Equity and Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Plans.
    • To make recommendations, based on data and activity evaluation, for allocating SEA and other funds that impact this work to meet Student Equity and Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Plan goals.

Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program Committee Information:

  • Committee Composition

    The NOCE SEA Program Committee is comprised of members from NOCE. This Committee may assign a taskforce or workgroup to develop plans and recommendations for the committee. All meetings are open to the entire NOCE community and all are encouraged to participate in the discussion. The term for Management, CSEA, and Faculty representatives will be two years. Student representatives will serve one-year terms on the committee.

    Voting Members are as follows:

    • Director, Student Equity and Success (Chair) (non-voting)
    • Vice President of Student Services
    • Vice President of Instruction
    • Two (2) NOCE Management Representatives appointed by NOCE Management Team
    • Two (2) Classified Representatives appointed by CSEA Representatives
    • Two (2) Instructional Faculty Representatives appointed by Academic Senate
    • Two (2) Counseling Faculty Representative appointed by Academic Senate
    • Two (2) Student Representatives from Student Leadership Program (advisory vote)

    Non-voting resource members will be invited and encouraged to attend meetings to provide input and recommendations for supporting students. Resource members may include individuals representing (but are not limited to):

    • Admissions and Records (A&R)
    • Campus Communications
    • Counseling and Student Services (including those with specialized knowledge in Grads to Be, Student Equity, and Transition)
    • Disability Support Services (DSS)
    • Distance Education
    • Instructional Programs
    • LGBTQIA+ Advisory Group/LGBTQIA+ Liaison
    • Office of Institutional Research and Planning (OIRP)
  • Member Responsibilities

    Members are responsible for disseminating and collecting information on meeting agenda items to appropriately represent the views of their respective constituent groups and departments. Each member will be assumed to be speaking for their constituent group unless an announcement to the contrary is made. Member responsibilities at a minimum include:

    • Attendance at all meetings or provision of an informed alternate.
    • Preparation for meetings (reading items distributed to members prior to the meeting).
    • Completion of assignments made at the meetings.
    • Thorough and open communication with the constituent group being represented.

    The co-chairs of the NOCE Accessibility Advisory Group, in consultation with all members, shall establish the agenda and run the meetings.  The chairs will solicit input from all group members related to agenda items and the institutional accessibility plan.

  • Member List

Meeting Information:

The Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program Committee will meet on the third Wednesday of each month from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the academic year. Until further notice, the meetings will be held via Zoom.

  • Meeting Information

    The NOCE SEA Program Committee meets monthly on the third Wednesday of the month from 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. during the academic year. The meetings will be held via Zoom until further notice. Additional meetings may be scheduled if needed with consensus by the membership on years when Student Equity Plan is due.

    For decisions that need a vote, decisions will be made by consensus based on the members in attendance during that meeting. The process for consensus will be:

    • Thumb up – Agree
    • Thumb sideways – Can live with decision –
    • Thumb down – Disagree. If anyone is thumbs down, the discussion will continue.

    For remote meetings, votes will be taken using the chat feature. On the occasion when a total consensus is not reached, the committee chair will take the recommendation under consideration and make a decision explaining the rationale and stating that Committee could not reach a consensus on the issue.


    Quorum for the committee shall be defined as half, plus one of members present. Shared governance groups must have at least one representative from each constituent group for quorum to be met. Students do not need to be present for quorum to be met due to their advisory vote.

  • Agendas

    More Information is Coming Soon!

  • Communications

    To ensure that all employees can access information on the issues under consideration and able to provide input or participate in the meeting discussions, the SEA Program Committee will maintain a SharePoint site. The site will be public so all employees can access without an invitation.

    • At a minimum, the following will be posted:
      • Group mission statement, purpose, and charter
      • List of meeting dates and locations, when known
      • Annual list of members
      • Agenda and meeting minutes. Meeting minutes will be taken using the NOCE Meeting minutes template and sent out along with the agenda prior to the meeting. Minutes will be reviewed at the start of each meeting and approved by the members.
    • The SEA Program Committee will provide updates to President’s Cabinet and Academic Senate throughout the year on initiatives, funding opportunities, and plan updates.
      • Program plans (Student Equity and Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Plan) will be shared with President’s Cabinet and Academic Senate for input and feedback before finalizing.