What is the Distance Education Committee?
The DE Committee shall provide recommendations to the Academic Senate related to distance education and distance education matters as outlined in the committee’s guiding documents. The committee shall have established bylaws approved by the Senate. The Academic Senate bylaws hold precedents.
The DE Committee provides recommendations to successfully implement the goals and objectives adopted in the Distance Education Plan and supports student success by promoting best practices for high‐quality instruction and online student resources at NOCE.
The function of the Distance Education Committee is to:
Section 1
The primary function of the DE Committee is to recommend and promote best practices for teaching online and using technology for learning.
Section 2
Review and revise the Distance Education Plan and Faculty Handbook to recommend policies and processes pertaining to distance education.
Section 3
Establish processes and training to certify or maintain certification of faculty to participate in distance education.
Section 4
Establish standards for distance education certification equivalency.
Section 5
Review, evaluate, and make recommendations for the approval of Distance Education Addenda.
Distance Education Committee Information:
Committee Composition
- Chair of the DE Committee shall be nominated and elected by the Senate by a 50% plus 1 vote, with at least a quorum of the Senate participating in the vote during normal elections. The DE Chair must be a member of the full-time Electorate.
- If at any time, the Chair of a Senate committee is vacated before their term expires, the Senate Vice President will hold a special election to fill the vacancy. The newly elected Chair will hold the seat for the remainder of the initial term that was vacated.
- The term of office shall be two (2) years for the DE Chair. The Chair can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms, followed by at least one academic year away from the position before serving again.
- Appointment and election of DE Committee members shall initially be from among the Academic Senate membership of faculty with a 50% plus 1 voting majority.
- To provide for terms that alternate every year, fifty percent (50%) of DE Committee members shall be elected on even numbered years and fifty percent (50%) shall be elected on odd-numbered years whenever possible.
- If at any time the position of a DE committee member is vacated before their term expires, the position can be reappointed by a formal call through the Senate President.
The organization of the DE Committee may be comprised of the following whenever possible:
- One adjunct and/or one full-time faculty member from each department. The term of office shall be two (2) years for faculty.
- Two classified committee members, one of which can be the Instructional Designer. The term of office shall be one (1) year for a classified member other than the Instructional Designer.
- Three administrative committee members are to be comprised of the Vice President of Instruction, the DE Director, and a Dean or an Associate Dean. Any Dean shall have a term of office of two (2) years.
- Two student representatives. The term of office shall be one (1) year for students.
- Voting members shall include the following:
- DE Committee Chair
- Full-time faculty
- Adjunct faculty
Member Responsibilities
DE Committee Chair
The DE Committee Chair shall…
- Plan a calendar of DE Committee meeting dates.
- Establish the DE Committee meeting agenda, call meetings, and preside over the meetings.
- Disseminate information across the campus related to DE.
- Assist with the promotion of DE modality to students.
- Either serve on the Curriculum Committee as a resource member or as a voting member.
- Be certified to teach online in accordance with requirements in the North Orange Continuing Education Distance Education Plan.
Committee Members
DE Committee members shall…
- Communicate department needs to the DE Committee on a monthly basis.
- Attend and participate actively in DE Committee meetings.
- Review all DE Committee meeting materials in a timely manner.
Member List
Corinna Lopez, Chair
Agnes Ndirangu – Mwathi
Casey Sousa
Jennifer Oo
Jennifer Carey
Karen Bautista
Karla Frizler
Maria Aceituno
Matt Van Gelder
Matthew Stivers
Michelle Patrick – Norng
- Distance Education Resources
Meeting Information:
The Distance Education Committee will meet on the first Thursday of each academic year from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in room 1014 at the Anaheim Campus.
Meeting Information
- Meetings of the DE Committee shall be held at least once a month during the academic year.
- Meetings should reach a quorum defined as 50% plus 1 of voting members of the DE Committee.
- When no quorum is present, any substantive action taken is invalid.
- Meetings shall be open to all interested parties.
- Actions of the DE Committee shall be in the form of motions or resolutions approved by the majority of the voting members present.
- Special meetings may be called by the DE Chair, or at the request of any three Senators.