
NOCE Anaheim Campus
Cypress Center located at Cypress College
Wilshire Center located off of Fullerton College

The North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) Curriculum Committee is a shared governance body and includes faculty, staff, administrators, and student representatives. This subcommittee of the Academic Senate ensures that the NOCE curriculum aligns with institutional goals and objectives and complies with local, state, and federal regulations. 

The NOCE Curriculum Committee meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. in-person at the Anaheim Campus, 10th floor, in room 1025. For more calendar information, please visit the Curriculum Meeting Information page.

Curriculum Committee Meetings

The purpose of the Curriculum Committee meeting is to review and approve new and revised courses and programs, as well as make recommendations on issues pertaining to curriculum.

Additional information on Curriculum Committee meetings, agenda/minutes, and calendar items can be found in the Curriculum Meeting Information page. 

District Curriculum Coordinating Committee (DCCC)

The District Curriculum Coordinating Committee (DCCC) meets monthly to:

  • Review curriculum prior to being submitted to the Chancellor

  • Serve as NOCCCD’s highest authority for interpreting Title 5 curricular requirements

  • Serve as a resource to District Consultation Council on curricular issues

Additional information on the curriculum and program review process at NOCCCD is found in Administrative Procedure 4020, Program and Curriculum Development (AP 4020). Click here to view DCCC agendas and minutes.  

Regular meetings of the Board are held at 5:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Board Room of the Anaheim Campus, 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801.

Any changes to the date or location of meetings, and of all special meetings, will be posted Click here to view Board of Trustees Dates and in hardcopy format on the first floor of the Anaheim Campus.

The first Board meeting of each month focuses on regular business items, while the second meeting of the month is an information/discussion session, with business items handled as needed.

Individual members of the Board of Trustees have no legal authority except at official Board meetings.

Official meetings are regularly scheduled meetings, legally called special meetings, and adjourned meetings. A quorum, which is a majority of the elected Board membership, must be present. The law also stipulates that: “The governing Board shall act by a majority vote of all the members constituting the governing Board.” Minutes of the meetings have the status of official legal documents and must include a record of each Board’s action.

District Board meetings must be open to the public. However, California law provides for closed sessions and the exclusion of the public when the Board is considering expulsion, suspension, or disciplinary action in connection with any student of the District; the appointment, employment, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee; litigation; labor negotiations; real estate transactions; and insurance and liability issues.

Click here to view the Board of Trustees’ minutes and agendas. 

Board Policy: