Starting January 2024, portions of the NOCCCD/NOCE Anaheim Campus will be under construction. Entrance to the campus will be on the first-floor entrance only.
- All employees and students can access the building through the first-floor entrance.
- Second-floor building entrance doors will be locked but accessible to employees through key card access only.
- The first floor’s ATM, vending machines, and elevators will be open and accessible.
- Restrooms will be available on floors 3-10.
- Elevator access will be available as follows:
- Use West Elevators (#1-#2) to access Floors 3-10 and Mezzanine.
- Use East Elevators (#3-#4) to access Floors 3, 4, 6, and 7 with card access only for floors 5, 8, 9, and 10.
Some classes and services will be relocated to the East Lot Portable buildings on the east side of the campus, including Admissions and Registration (201-P), Counseling (200-P), Food Pantry (109-P), and several classes (rooms 100-P to 108-P).
See the map of the East Lot Portables for reference.
- Restrooms, including an all-gender restroom and family restroom, as well as a water fountain, are also available.
- Handicapped parking spaces for the East Lot Portables are located in two spots on the map, to the South, and to the North of the portable buildings.
The East Lot Portables are on the east side of the Anaheim Campus and can be accessed via three ways:
- Through the Anaheim Campus first floor – walk through the front door of the building and through the hallway to the East side door. There you can access the East Lot Portables via stairs or ramp.
- Via Romneya Drive – From the Anaheim Campus building, take the stairs up, or walk around, to the sidewalk toward Romneya Drive and turn right to the East driveway entrance to the East Lot Portables. Cars can drop off students and employees; some parking spaces are available.
- Via South Side of Campus – From the Anaheim Campus building, first floor entrance, go South, toward the Anaheim Campus Outdoor Patio then turn left and head straight to the East Lot Portables.
RELOCATED PROGRAMS, SERVICES, and CLASSES (from First and Second Floors)
NOCE’s first and second floors will be closed to classes and services; these have been relocated throughout the building or in the East Lot Portables on the east side of the campus. The following departments and services will be relocated as follows:
Second Floor Programs and Services will be Relocated:
- Admissions and Registration: East Lot Portables, Room 201-P
- Administrative Services Office: East Lot Portables, Room 201-P
- Campus Safety will remain in their location on the second floor until further notice.
- Counseling: East Lot Portables, Room 200-P
- Disability Support Services (DSS) Counseling: AC/Room 707
- Student Technology Support Services (laptop loan program): AC/Room 714
- The President’s Office and Vice President of the Student Services Office will move in mid/late January to our off-site location at 505 N. Euclid Avenue, Floor 2, in Anaheim.
First Floor Programs and Services will be Relocated:
- Basic Skills Learning Center: AC/Room 304
- Career Technical Education (CTE) Personal Care Aide Classroom: East Lot Portables, Room 103-P
- Cypress College Hotel, Restaurant, Culinary Arts Classrooms and Bistro: Cypress College Swing Space
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Learning Center: AC/Room 702
- Food Pantry: East Lot Portables, 109-P
- High School Diploma Program Lab: AC/Room 602
- High School Diploma Program Testing Lab: AC/Room 303
- High School Diploma Program CASAS Assessment Lab: AC/Room 709
- High School Diploma Program Direct Instruction Classroom: AC/Room 310
- Lifeskills Education Advancement Program (LEAP), including Emeritus and Community Education, has been re-located to our off-site location at 505 N. Euclid Avenue, Floor 2, in Anaheim
- Parenting Classroom: AC/Room 611
- Pride Space: AC/To Be Determined
- Student Center: AC/Outdoor Patio
- Various classes relocated to portables or other rooms throughout the Anaheim Campus
We thank you for your patience as we make improvements. All construction updates will be available on the Construction webpage.