To access Dynamic forms if you are unable to login to myGateway, you will need to create an account with Dynamic Forms.
This is a two-step process: first, to create the account, and second, to activate the account.
First, complete the Account Creation page pictured below, and then activate your account by clicking a link in an email sent to the email address provided on the Account Creation page. With this process, Dynamic Forms authenticates that the person creating the account is the owner of that email address.
Step 1:
Visit and click the “Create a New Account” link.

Then complete this “Create a new account” page and click the “Create Account” button.
Step 2:
An activation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail you provided on the “Create a new account” page.

Lastly, open your e-mail to find the Activation e-mail sent and click the link provided.

After clicking the account, you will automatically be logged in. After clicking on the “Continue” button below, you will be directed to the form you requested or the basic user home page if you were not moved to a form.

You can visit to retrieve your username and password or view your completed forms.