For the first time in NOCE’s 50+ years of history, a special election to seat one of our students as an official Student Trustee at the Board of Trustees meeting was held, and the results are in!

We are pleased to share that Robert Johnson has been elected as the NOCE Student Trustee!
A Career Technical Education (CTE) student, active Student Leader, and President of the Technology Club, Johnson is a model student at North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE). He also represents students on the President’s Cabinet and has been an active participant in numerous community and outreach events.
Moving forward, Johnson will now be engaged in the required training sessions and will then be seated as the NOCE Student Trustee at the first NOCCCD Board of Trustees meeting in December 2024. We invite all students, faculty, and staff to attend the meeting on December 10, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. to congratulate and support Johnson.
The Role of the Student Trustee
- Student trustees represent each of the NOCCCD colleges on the Board of Trustees.
- They cast advisory votes, which, although not counted in the final tally, are recorded in the meeting minutes.
- They serve as the voice for students, gathering input from the student body and sharing those perspectives with the Board on relevant agenda items.
- Student trustees are advocates for students, public servants, and guardians of public trust.
We would like to recognize all the student candidates for their dedication in taking the time to participate in this special campaign. Their participation in this first campaign shows their commitment to making NOCE shine and their willingness to be the student voice for NOCE. Thank you, Yellckin Brenes, Martha Gabriela Diaz, MaLuisa Hernandez, Kristine Nacu, and Lourdes Valiente.
Congratulations to Robert Johnson on his new role as NOCE Student Trustee! We are excited to work alongside him as he helps shape the future of NOCE with his leadership and commitment to student advocacy.