It’s Not Too Late – Your Class Starts Soon!
Students and community members – it’s not too late to get a jump start on your educational goals: enroll in 2023 Spring Semester late-start classes.
Some classes begin the week of January 30, 2023, while many others start later in February, March, April, and even May. Instead of waiting until summer or even fall to start a new class, students can take advantage of these shorter, late-start classes during our current spring semester.
There are over 160 courses with openings in topics such as:
- GED Preparation
- High School Diploma subjects
- Parenting: Internet Safety Workshop
- Parenting: Love and Logic Workshop
- Joyful Parenting
- Microsoft Outlook Fundamentals
- Keyboard Fundamentals
- Medical Terminology
- Business Math
- Accounting Principles
- Build Your Career
- Mature Driver Improvement
- Painting for Older Adults
- Quilting for Older Adults
- …and so much more!
Check out the full list of classes here, organized by start date: 2023 Spring Semester Late-Start Classes.
For full details about each of these classes, view the class schedule at noce.edu/schedule. For the most up-to-date status on each of these classes, please use the searchable schedule.
To apply, visit noce.edu/apply or go to noce.edu/registration for additional instructions. For questions or assistance, contact NOCE StarHelp at 714.808.4679 or starhelp@noce.edu.